06 February, 2025

Regional Centre


Jodhpur is the second largest city in Rajasthan. Jodhpur was founded in 1459 by Rao Jodha, Jodhpur (Marwar), is also known as the "Sun City". It is a popular tourist destination, featuring many palaces, forts and temples, set in the stark landscape of the Thar Desert.


Indira Gandhi national Open University (IGNOU) A Central University, under the Ministry of Human Resource Development Govt. of India, is the largest Open University of the world offering education through distance learning. It was established by an Act of Pariament in 1985. Since then it has been developing, delivering and promoting innovative educational, need based, training and capacity building programmes. IGNOU is a pioneering and trend setting University for those who are in need of life-long learning.

IGNOU, the National Resource Centre for Open and Distance Learning (ODL), with international recognition and presence, shall provide seamless access to sustainable and learner-centric quality education, skill upgradation and training to all by using innovative technologies and methodologies and ensuring convergence of existing systems for massive human resource required for promoting integrated national development and global understanding.

To advance frontiers of knowledge and promote its dissemination through sustainable Open and Distance Learning systems, seamlessly accessible to all, including those hitherto unreached, from among whom the leaders and innovators of tomorrow will emerge, the University shall:

·       Strengthen the development of the National Resource Centre as a proactive role model for high-quality and learner-centric Open and Distance Learning system;

·       Share professional capabilities and resources to improve standards of distance education in the country;

·       Periodically assess and accredit institutions of Open and Distance Learning to promote centres of excellence in the country;

·       Develop networks, using emerging technologies and methods, with global reach for effective programme delivery;

·       Provide an intelligent and flexible system of education to meet the challenges of access and equity, and work towards development of a knowledge society;

·       Forge convergence of all systems and work for seamless education across national boundaries to develop global collaboration and partnership;

·       Take education to the hitherto unreached and promote community participation for local development through life-coping skills;

·       Provide specific need-based education and training opportunities for continuous professional development and skill upgradation to in-service professionals; and

·       Strive towards continuous development of methods and strategies for research and development for generation of knowledge in frontier areas, including Open and Distance Learning.

The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), the world’s largest  university, was established by an Act of Parliament in 1985, ‘To advance and disseminate learning and knowledge by a diversity of means, including the use of information communication technology, to provide opportunities for higher education to a larger segment of the population and the promote  the educational  well being of the community generally, to encourage the Open university and distance education systems in the educational pattern of the country and to coordinate and determine the standards in such systems’. The University has continuously striven to build a knowledge society through inclusive education. It has tried to make a mark in the higher education scenario of the country by offering high quality teaching through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Mode.

IGNOU Offers Its Academic Programmes Through Its 21 Schools of Studies and a network of 67 Regional centres and over 3000 Learner Support Centres (LSCs). The University currently has a cumulative student strength of over 3.0 million learners. IGNOU, has made a significant contribution to the areas of higher education, community education, extension activities and continual professional development. As a world leader in distance education, it has been conferred with Award of Excellence by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada. In March 2013, it was listed 27th in the webometric ranking of Indian Universitties, based on the criterion of its presence on the Internet. The University is committeed to quality in teaching, research, training and extension activities, and acts as a national resource centre for expertise and infrastructure in the ODL System. Its various Centres i.e. Staff training and Research Institute in Distance Education, Inter University Consortium national Centre for Disability Studies and National Centre for Innovations in Distance Education among other, focus on specific learner groups and enrich the distance learning system. The university has 130 SITs (Satellite Interactive Terminals) across the country to facilitate two-way video conferencing. A large number of Regional Centres and higher enrolment Study Centres has been provided with network connectivity, making it possible to transact interactivie digital content. The emphasis is being laid on developing interactive multimedia and online learning, and adding value to the traditional distance education delivery mode with modern technology- enabled education within the framework of blended learning. The University has been identified as the National Coordinator for developing MOOCs at Certificate and Diploma levels. Faculty members are now engaged in developing MOOCs in their subjects.

Over the years IGNOU has lived up to the country’s expectations of providing education to the marginalised sections of society. it provides free education to all jail inmates across the country. A large number of students from SC/ST and other marginalized segments of society were admitted to various programmes of the University. The University has identified several educationally and economically backward areas and established Special Study Centre (SSC). In order to enhance its reach, the University is reaching out to remote and rural areas.

Important Achievements

·       Recognition as Centrer of Excellence in Distance Education by Commonwealth of Learning. (1993)

·       Emergence of IGNOU as a largest Open University in the World.

·       Award of Excellence for Distance Education Materials by Commonwealth of Learning (1993)

·       UNESCO declared IGNOU as the largest institution of higher learning in the world in 2010.

·       Launch of a series of 24 hours Educational Channels “Gyan Darshan” IGNOU is the nodal agency for these channels and regular Largest Network of learning support system.

·       Establishment of Staff Training Research Institute in Distance Education (STRIDE) with support from Commonwealth of Learning (COL).

·       IGNOU has been awarded A++ Grade by the NAAC 2021

Indira Gandhi National Open University, Regional centre for Jodhpur in Rajasthan was established in May 2011. The Regional Centre, Jodhpur covers 13 districts of Western & Southern Rajasthan – Jodhpur, Barmer, Jaisalmer, Rajasmand, Udaipur, Bikaner, Jalore, Sirohi, Nagour, Dungarpur, Pali, Pratapgarh & Banswara. The main objective of this Regional Centre is to fulfill the educational needs of the society and providing quality education at the door steps of the learners. Regional Centre Jodhpur is offering different programmes like Master, Bachelors, PG Diploma, PG Certificate, Diploma, Certificates and Awareness programmes for the development of the society with the objective of national development.

 There are a total of 66 Learners Support Centres under RC Jodhpur which include 26 Regular Study Centres, 34 Programme Study Centres and 6 Special Study Centres including 4 Jail Centres. Major activities of Regional Centre Jodhpur :- Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, Skill Development Project Under Govt. of Rajasthan in different Govt. colleges of Rajasthan. Scholarship & Free Education is being provided to all Jail Inmates as well as transgenders across the country. A large number of SC/ST Students have been admitted oto various programme of the University and their fee is being reimbursed through the Direct Benefit Scheme of MHRD as well as the State Social Walfare Development.